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Multipurpose Rooms A, B, C and Kitchen
Recommended for weddings or major one day special events. Includes tables and chairs. Also includes projector, screen, podium, microphone and sound system. Kitchen includes warming ovens, microwave, refrigerator, freezer and ice machine. A $100 deposit is required at time of booking, $200 if alcohol is to be served. $25 of the Booking Deposit is non-refundable. Refundable portion of the Booking Deposit is refunded within 30 days after rental if there is no damage and proper cleanup is completed before checkout. Deposits non-refundable if event booked within 14 days or cancelled within 14 days of event. Alcohol is allowed but only through a licensed caterer, see staff for all required paperwork. Renter is responsible for setup and cleanup of rooms.
Single Weekday Early Block (8:00am-5:00pm)
$725 - Members, $925- Non-Members
Single Weekday Late Block (1:00pm-Close)
$725- Members, $925- Non-Members
Saturday Full Block (Open-Close)
$800- Members, $900- Non-Members
Sunday Full Block (Open-Close)
$425- Members, $525- Non-Members
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