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1. Maximum time allowed for child care is 60 minutes.
Please be on time so that those waiting may check their child in.
Repeated Violations will result in loss of privileges.
2. No more than 5 children per child care attendant. If we have reached our max, the parent must wait until a slot is available.
3. Children must be checked in by the Parent/Guardian’s first and last name at both the Front Desk and the Child Care desk prior to leaving the child/children with the Child Care Attendant.
4. Children must be picked up immediately after the child care
allotment has ended. Repeated violations will result in loss of this privilege.
5. Parents/guardians may be asked to present a photo ID when dropping off or picking up a child.
6. Children must wear shoes at all times, except when in the Climbing Play Feature. This includes children who are crawling and beginning to walk.
7. Parents and/or guardians must remain in the recreation facility for their workout and may not leave the building.
8. There is absolutely no food or drinks allowed in the childcare room. However, bottles and juice cups labeled with the child’s name are allowed. Handheld video games may be brought in by older children at their own risk.
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